
Lesson 1

OALD Dictionary में निम्न शब्दों को ढूंढें एवं उनसे संबंधित – Pronunciation, Word type, Meaning एवं उनके उपयोग को समझे तथा स्वयं उनके उपयोग कर वाक्यों का निमार्ण करें –

Language, grammar, sentences, speak, write, create, pronounce, sound, tell, lesson, practice.


Lesson 2
निम्न वाक्यों के लिए अंग्रेजी में वाक्य बनाईये –

  1. मैं छात्र हूं ।
  2. ये आम हैं ।
  3. यह मेरा मित्र है ।
  4. वे सभी मेरे पड़ोसी है ।
  5. मेरा भाई क्रिकेट खिलाड़ी है ।
  6. रीता ड़ॉक्टर है ।
  7. रमेश लेखक है ।
  8. अमिताभ बच्चन नायक है ।
  9. वे मजदूर है ।
  10. हम भारतीय है ।
Lesson 3

  1. Friends of NOT कितने होते है ? एक तालिक बनाकर 24 Special Verbs, Negatives एवं उनके Contracted forms लिखिए ।
  2. प्रश्न 1 में उल्लेखित सभी के Sounds OALD की मदद से तैयार कीजिए ।


Lesson 4

(1) निम्न वाक्यों के की सहायता से प्रश्न वाचक वाक्यों का निर्माण कीजिए –

1.      He is a teacher.
2.      There is a table.
3.      That is a car.
4.      She is a tall girl.
5.      We are Indians.
6.      They are players.
7.      There is a lamp on the table.
8.      He was an actor.
9.      There is a garden near the house.
10.  There is a theatre.

(2) उपर्युक्त सभी वाक्यों के उत्तर (a) Short Answer (b) Complete Answer तैयार कीजिए ।


Lesson 5
निम्न लिखित में से Noun, Pronoun, Verb छांटिए एवं State Verb Sentences को रेखांकित कीजिए । Main Verb Sentences  में से Main Verb को छांटिए एवं OALD से उनकी Entry देखिए ।

A noun is a naming word. Pronouns are noun replacing word. A good dictionary helps us to learn language easily. Sounds and spellings are two different things. Verbs are words which show either state or action. Verbs can be divided into two types- Special verbs and main verbs. State verbs show states whereas main verbs show actions. One should begin learning with parts of speech (noun, pronoun, verb), sounds & spellings, state verb sentences. Afterthat one can start making questions & answers. Proper Communication needs capability of asking questions and giving answer properly and correctly. Sounds of English provide many advantages. They not only help us to improve our pronunciation but they also help us to decide correct article. The scientific and practical approach is required to learn a language systematically and correctly.


Lesson 6

Make the plurals of the following sentence.

1.      There is a tree.
2.      A dog is an animal.
3.      An eye is a beautiful cration.
4.      A bird is white.
5.      An apple is sweet.
6.      A cow eats grass.
7.      A boy plyas football.
8.      A fly is an insect.
9.      A man can swim.
10.  A city is a big town.

Make the singulars of the following sentence.
  1. Oranges are good to eat.
  2. There are chairs in the hall.
  3. Politicians are not always good.
  4. We are Indians.
  5. Nouns are naming words.
  6. Colleges are large buildings.
  7. There are cats and dogs.
  8. Bicycles are good for exercises.
  9. Aeroplanes fly in the sky.
  10. Appartemnts has many flats.

Lesson 7

Fill a or an where necessary

  1. ..……… cow has ………… tail.
  2. ……….. apple is good for health.
  3. There …….  pens in my pocket.
  4. ……. sugar is sweet.
  5. Put …….. oil before you boil.
  6. I like …… toffee with …….. icecream.
  7. Gold is ……… soft metal.
  8. There is ……. snake.
  9. Patrika is ……. popular news paper.
  10. ...... window is made of ……. wood.

Fill a, an or the where necessary

  1. ………… milk is very hot.
  2. ……….. child is playing in …….. garden.
  3. …………. fruits are good for health.
  4. ……….  Chair is made of ……. Wood.
  5. I want ……….. blue pen. ……… pen is on the table.
  6. It is good to read …….. book.
  7. Give me ……….. paper and ………….. pen.
  8. There is ……. beautiful rose in ……………. garden.
  9. ……… carpenter makes …………. furniture.
  10. ………. part of …………. house is damaged.

कृपया अपने कमेंट/सुझाव मेरे Email :- alkamehta.edu@gmail.com पर भेजें ।